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Verified (formerly Unum ID) is what I spend most of my time on currently. It's a company I founded and run with my brother Aidan.
We started Verified as college students, using it with Be Heard to #SecureOurDemocracy against bots and foreign actors. With Be Heard, Verified let people verify their identities so they could contact government representatives as verified constituents. I'm very proud to say that thousands of people across 48 U.S. states did just that.
Now, we've expanded our efforts, working with Fortune 500 companies like Samsung and Franklin Templeton, to enable digital identity far beyond civic engagement — in financial services, insurance, HR, and ultimately healthcare and beyond.
The Verified Network
Just as physical credit cards dramatically simplified payments starting in the 1950s, digital ID cards are dramatically simplifying identity verification today. With an ID card on your phone, you can prove who you are with 1-click — no need to complete endless forms and verification checks.
For this to work, there needs to be a verified network, akin to VISA or Mastercard for credit cards. The network makes it easy for card issuers, consumers, and merchants to interact. And that's exactly what we're building with Verified